Trees / Time to Say Goodbye

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Trees / Time to Say Goodbye
Internet releas
Дата выпускаDecember 31, 2009
Дата записиFebruary — November 2009
СтудияBand home studio,

Tyler Joseph's home studio,

Chris Salih's home studio, Columbus, Ohio
  • alternative
  • alternative hip-hop
  • christian music
Twenty One Pilots хронология
Trees / Time to Say Goodbye
A Car, a Torch, a Death / Trees

Trees / Time to Say Goodbye — This is an internet release by Twenty One Pilots of two songs that were posted on the band's MySpace for free download and listening in late 2009.[1]


Following the release of the band's debut album in 2 December 31, 2009, the band added download links for two tracks not included on the album on the OneDrive file sharing service (at the time it's call "Skydrive")[2]


No. Title Length
1. Trees 4:20
2. Time to Say Goodbye 3:16
Total length: 7:36


Twenty One Pilots
Участники Tyler JosephJosh Dun
Бывшие участники Chris SalihNick Thomas
Альбомы Twenty One PilotsRegional at BestVesselBlurryfaceTrenchScaled and IcyClancy
Мини-альбомы Johnny Boy (EP)Live At UG Studios • Three SongsSpotify SessionsHolding on to You (EP)Quiet Is Viølent

The LC LPDouble-SidedTOPxMMTrench 10" TripletLocation Sessions

Живые релизы Blurryface LiveScaled and Icy (Livestream Version)
Синглы Holding on to YouGuns For HandsLovelyHouse Of GoldFake You OutCar Radio

Fairly LocalTear In My HeartStressed OutLane BoyRideHeathensHeavydirtysoul CancerJumpsuitNico And The NinersLevitateMy BloodChlorineThe Hype Level Of ConcernChristmas Saves The YearShy AwayChokerSaturdayThe OutsideOvercompensateNext SemesterBackslideThe Craving (single version)

Туры Local ShowsTwenty One Pilots TourRegional at Best TourMostly November TourBlurryface World Tour

Emotional Roadshow World TourTour De ColumbusThe Bandito TourTakeover TourThe Icy Tour

Список песен Twenty One PilotsСписок музыкальных видео Twenty One Pilots