Мы стремимся собрать подробную базу данных об американской группе Twenty One Pilots. Мы хотим распространять правильную информацию и давать точные ответы на любые вопросы слушателей о группе.
There are many articles full of content waiting for you. Feel free to peruse them and help by correcting errors or adding additional information. If you want to contribute by improving some sections, you can contact our manager on Telegram - @Jusperwill
Здесь представлены страницы со списками неизвестных фотографий: выступления группы, видео и другая информация, которая еще не была распознана, помогите нам узнать о них больше! Если вам что-то известно, оставляйте информацию на странице обсуждения списков или пишите в Telegram - @Jusperwill
Skully's Music Diner 2009 — Unknown 2009 band show that is mentioned in a January 2010 newspaper and by a bar employee on Reddit.
TwentyOneWiki is an informative unofficial site about the band Twenty One Pilots and the people, places and company associated with the band. All material on this site is posted for informational and entertainment purposes and is free to share this information.
This site is not commercial and is not intended to make money using anyone else's intellectual property in any way. We thoroughly check all information before posting on the site, which takes quite a bit of time. We try to use as many sources and as high quality illustrations as possible that we add.
TwentyOneWiki does not own any artwork or any pictures, and we're not using any for profit, etc. We will remove any photo by request. All materials on the site have been sourced from public access and resources and a link to the original source is left on the page of the picture, artwork, illustration, poster, cover, etc. To contact us, please write to e-mail - twentyonepilotswiki@gmail.com
This wiki is written by fans for fans with the goal of being the most credible and detailed source about the band Twenty One Pilots and everyone associated with it on the Internet.